The Demon Queen is My Fiancée Chapter Six

“Hey, kid. I know my cooking isn’t amazing, but I didn’t think it was so bad to bring you to tears.” The Innkeeper’s wife says to me angrily.

“No, it’s just that this stew is really, really good!”

Wiping the tears off of my face, I smile back to her.

“Kid, I think you’ve got strange tastes, but if you like my cooking so much, then eat more of it!”

She starts laughing, and it helps lighten the mood of the lobby even more.

“Of course I will!”

Taking another bite out of the stew, the rich flavor from the potatoes comes pouring into my mouth once more. Ah, this flavor, I’ll never be able to get over it. I just want to keep eating more. Oh, there’s no more stew left.

After paying for our meal, we walk out of the inn. I turn around to see the name of the inn. It’s called Prism Inn. I’ll be sure to remember that whenever we’re looking for an inn tonight.

“Hey, did you really like that stew?” Adelicia asks me.

Wow, she actually said something!

“Yeah, it was genuinely one of the best things I’ve ever eaten because it reminded me of the stew my mother used to make me.”

“I see. So your mother used to make you stew like that, huh?” Adelicia whispers quietly. What is she planning?

We walk back to the Adventurer’s Guild, and surprisingly, there wasn’t anything special to see. I was kind of disappointed. Entering the guildhall again, I notice that this place really does seem like a cafeteria.

“Welcome back!” The guild receptionist calls to us as we walk in.

“Hello. Where can we find the level E requests?” Lorelei asks the girl.

“Ah, they are right on the wall to the right under the area designated with the E.”

“Thank you very much.”

We walk over to the wall, and I can’t help but notice the amount of quests cluttered all over it. There are so many requests that they are all stacking on top of one another and filling up the wall. There are all types of quests, but they all pretty much boil down to three different types of quests. Fetch quests, subjugation quests, and manual labor quests.

“What type of quest do you want?” Odelina asks me.

“Well, a subjugation quest would be good to test out my power. Something that isn’t too difficult to kill would be nice as well.”

“Oh, then we should get a slime subjugation quest.” Adelicia says.

No, I don’t think we should. Slimes are pretty powerful you know. I don’t want to upset any demon lords!

“That sounds like a good idea! Let’s do it!” Lorelei says.

“Alright, fine. We’ll do the slime subjugation quest. Where is it?”

“It says it’s in Beginners Forest, only a few minutes away.”

“Then let’s take it and head out.” I say to the three.

I rip off the quest paper and hand it to the guild receptionist to notify her that we will be taking the quest.

“Are you sure you’re ready to take on slimes? You only signed up yesterday you know.”

“He’ll be fine. He’s got us to help him if he gets in trouble!” Odelina says happily.

“Very well. We have acknowledged that you have taken the quest. Be sure to bring back the slime’s nucleus to prove you killed the slimes.”

“Will do!” I say as we walk out of the guildhall.

Oh, wait. I don’t have any armor.

“Hey, before we go do that, we should head to an armor shop to get me some simple armor.” I say to the three.

“Yeah, that would be a good idea.” Adelicia said to me.

She’s a lot more talkative today than she was before. Is she just more focused and not reading, or is it really Soleil under that hood?

“Do you guys know of a good blacksmith or armor shop where we could buy said simple armors?”

“Yeah, it’s right next to the guildhall. It’s the guilds shop where you can go to sell the items you get from killing creatures, or buy armor and weapons.” Odelina replies.

“Well then, let’s head there.”

It’s getting somewhat crowded, so I want to leave as quickly as possible.

“You were not joking whenever you said it was right next door.” I say to Odelina.

We literally just turned the corner and there it was. Well, at least that’s convenient.

“Welcome! Oh, it’s Odelina! Haven’t seen you here in a while! I heard you had an audience with the king! How did that go?” The shop clerk asked Odelina.

“It went pretty good. I got to meet the new hero, which is why we’re here right now. We want to get some armor for the new hero.”

“Eh? New hero huh? That king is still summoning heroes? I figured he would’ve stopped after the last guy.”

“Yeah, well, we’re here now. Let’s just talk business.” I say to the man.

“You must be the new hero! So, what type of armor do you want?”

“Just give me leather armor that’s light. I want to be able to move around a lot.”

“Sure! Let me get that for you real fast.” The man says as he walks away to the back of the shop.

“You want light armor?” Odelina asks me curiously. “You won’t be able to take many hits like that you know.”

“I’m aware, but I focus more on speed than anything. That armor is more of a backup plan.”

“Here you go.” The man says as he walks back up to the counter.

“Thank you. How much does it cost?” I ask the man.

“Hm. Fifty copper coins.”

“Fifty copper coins? Got it. Storage.”

The hole appears next to me in a flash, but this time it doesn’t struggle to form. Instead it stabilizes instantly, but my mind feels fatigued.

I reach into the hole and take out the silver coins that were in the pouch and give one to the man.

“Hey, hey! You can use Space-Time magic?” The man says, leaning over the counter a bit.

“Yeah, but this one is pretty taxing. The first time I used it I passed out!”

I turn around to look at the three, and they all look worried.

“Don’t worry, I won’t pass out this time.”

“Alright, here’s your change back.”

He hands me fifty copper coins in a small sack. I quickly put it into the hole before it closes.

“Well, you’ve got your armor now.” Lorelei says after we’ve walked out of the shop.

“Yup, fits very well too, I’m kind of surprised about that. Well, let’s just go to Beginner’s Forest!”

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