The Demon Queen is My Fiancée Chapter Eight

We turn around and find a giant slime. It’s huge.

“It’s huge. Why is it so big?” Adelicia says with a smile on her face.

The slime is at least fifteen meters tall, and it’s a different color than the rest. This slime is white rather than blue. Well, let’s appraise it and see why it’s so big.

[Name: Slime God]

[Age: Unknown]

[Level: ???]

I instantly drop to my knees in fear. My whole body is shaking. It’s all I can do to not pass out from fear. Why is it here? Why now? I can feel the blood rush from my face and my face become pale.

“H-Hey. Why are you on your knees?” Lorelei asks, worriedly.

I try opening my mouth, but my mouth won’t listen to me.

(Young one, why are you killing my servants?)

Where is that coming from? Who is it?

(It is me, the being in front of you.)

W-Why are you talking to me? What do you want from me?

(As I said before, you are killing my servants. Why?)

Why are we killing your servants? Wait, you mean the blue slime’s we’ve been hunting? We’re doing that as a quest for the adventurers guild to gather battle experience for myself.

{Young one, your reasoning for hunting my minions is weak. Why do you just go around killing? Do you have no soul?}

“P-Please forgive me. We did not realize that those slimes were you’re servants. I was summoned by the people of this world to save them, I do not wish you any harm.”

“What are you talking about?” Adelicia asks me curiously.

“Everyone, on your knees. NOW!” I yell to them.

“Why? It’s just a slime. It’s not even doing anything.” Lorelei says doubtfully.

“It’s not ‘just a slime.’ Please, believe me for now.”

“Fine. I understand.” Odelina says humbly, getting on her knees.

{Young one, why do you wish to protect this world? You say that you were summoned to this world to protect it, but what obligation do you have to do so? You could just as easily have me send you back to your world. I do have the ability to teleport people you know.}

Why do I wish to protect this world? I don’t know. I’ve just been going with the flow this whole time. Why do I wish to protect this world? I guess I kind of don’t actually wish to protect this world, but I really do want to see the king’s face whenever he loses.

{What shallow reasoning. Though, I guess it is entertaining. It sounds like it could be fun in fact.}

“What are you going to do with me?”

{What am I going to do with you? I don’t know. I have mixed feelings of wanting to watch your journey, while I still want to stay with my subjects.}

Then why not take my place instead? (Alger 3)

{And who might you be?}

I’m Alger 3! I’m the third personality born from the Parallel Thought Skill! Why don’t you just take my place in the Parallel Thought instead, and I’ll take over your job of watching over subjects! I’m doing nothing here anyways! (Alger 3)

Wait! We don’t even know if that will work! This is something that hasn’t been tested yet! (Alger 1)

{Then why not test it now?}

Yeah! Why don’t we test it now? (Alger 3)

I don’t want a piece of me to die you know! (Alger 1)

{Do not worry! I’ll make sure that piece of you survives the transfer! It should be a simple task using magic power!}

Simple? Yeah right! You’re taking an alternate personality and moving it into another body, then taking it’s place! (Alger 1)

{That’s right.}

Fine whatever! You guys are caught up in your own pace anyways! Do the thing!

“Hey, Alger! Say something! We’ve been trying to talk to you for three minutes!” Lorelei says to me.

“What? Oh, I’m sorry. I’m just, kind of nervous right now. This things power is no joke.”

“Is that so?” Adelicia says, a smile brimming on her face.

“Don’t get any funny ideas. This is not an enemy you can defeat. Ever.” I look up towards Adelicia to see a slight frown appear on her face. Don’t get so disappointed.

Suddenly, a blue light shines around my and the slime body. A sharp pain runs through my head.

“AAAHHHHH!” I shout, unable to keep my mouth closed.

It feels like a piece of my mind is being forcefully ripped out and replaced. I can just barely take it! My mind feels like it’s going to fade away and disappear. The searing pain is starting to run through my body, shaking my limbs and causing violent spasms.

I can feel tears beginning to well up in my eyes, but I can’t show these three any weakness! The moment they see weakness, they’ll strike! I can’t allow that! I must stay strong so that no one knows my secrets!

The pain continues for what feels like an eternity, but finally comes to an end.

[Skill Learned: Possession Level 1!]

[You are now being possessed by: Slime God! You will level up to his level whenever he takes control of your body. You will also gain his skills whenever he takes control of your body. Whenever he leaves possession of your body and you gain control, all levels and sills gained will be lost.]

{Congratulations, young one! You survived! You must be pretty strong to be able to handle me entering your mind at only level one!}

“Thanks, but it hurt like crap.”

“Are you okay?” Odelina asks.

“I’m fine now, I think.” I say to the three before my body collapses on the ground.

Ah, I’ve lost control of my body. This isn’t good.

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