Conquering the World for Justice Chapter Seven

Huh, what is this? I think to myself as I look around. I’m in an all black room without any lights on. The room seems to be endless since it’s pitch black. I can’t even see my own hands. I must be dreaming. I continue walking forward in the pitch-black room.

All of the sudden, the lights turn on. It’s blinding me, so I cover my eyes with my hands until my eyes adjust to the brightness. Once my eyes are adjusted, I’m greeted with a terrible sight. I see a woman dying on the floor, with a knife in her chest.

My body takes over and I’m rushing towards the woman, grabbing her in my arms. Instantly, my mind knows what’s going on.

“Mom! Mom!” I yell as loud as I can. “You can’t die on me mom! You can’t leave me like dad did! You have to stay with me!” Tears start flooding out of my eyes, dropping like rain droplets on her face.

“My son.” She says in a hushed tone, as if struggling to force the words out. “I’m sorry, but I can’t stay with you now. But that doesn’t mean that you can’t live on.” Tears start rolling down her cheeks, dropping onto the floor. “You are such a good child. I’m sure you’ll have a good family.”

“No, mom! You can’t leave me! You can’t leave me!” I say, even though I know it’s pointless. The knife didn’t pierce her heart, but it did pierce her abdomen, and now she’s bleeding out.

“I love you, my child. Live a long life.” She says before drawing her final breath. She puts her bloodied hand on my cheek, and then her arm falls down to the ground, lifeless. Her eyes close and she’s no longer breathing.

I sit there holding her in my arms crying, just saying the same thing over and over again, ‘Mom! Mom! Mom!’ Eventually, I set her back on the ground and look up. At this point, I’m no longer connected to my body, but instead facing it. I look into my eyes, and I see a murderous glare strong enough to scare even the toughest of opponents.

I wake up and instantly notice tears flowing from my eyes.

“Huh? Why am I crying?” I say to myself. I try to sit up, but feel something heavy on my chest. I peel the blanket off of myself, only to see a sleeping Alkita sleeping on top of me. Suddenly, she wakes up.

“Oh, father, you’re awake.” She says sleepily.

“When did you fall asleep?” I ask her with curiosity in my voice.

“Around two or three in the morning.” She answers. I look around the room towards the bed, and see that no one is on the bed.

“Why did you fall asleep using me as a bed, whenever there is a bed twenty feet away?” I ask her, slightly angered.

“Because you were crying out in your sleep while crying.” She answers me. “I felt sad, so I went and tried to comfort you, but I guess somewhere during that I fell asleep.”

“Oh. I’m sorry about that.” I say, truly feeling sorry. “I guess I woke everyone up then.”

“Yeah, they went to get breakfast about ten minutes or so. What were you dreaming about?” She asks.

“Don’t know.” I reply.

What was I dreaming about? I can’t remember. Well, whatever. I’m sure it doesn’t matter. It was probably something like losing Alkita and Vaeri for some reason. I rub Alkita’s head, and she makes a big smile.

“Well, we should go and join them in getting breakfast.” I say with a smile on my face. “I bet they have really tasty food!”

Alkita puts on a really big grin and gets off of me. We exit the room and are reminded how large the mansion really is. We walk past at least thirty rooms before getting to the stairs that lead to the first floor. I look up towards the ceiling, and see at least three more flights of stairs.

Just how large is this house? I walk down the stairs, noticing the oak that the stairs are made of, and head towards the dining room. Alkita is following me the whole time, but I realize that I don’t know where the dining room is.

“Hey, do you know where the dining room is?” I ask Alkita, embarrassed.

“I can show you to the dining room, master.” Jun says from behind.

Scared I jump for half a second. I look at Alkita, who is laughing under the hand covering her hand. If it makes her smile, then it’s fine.

“Thank you, Jun.” I say turning around to face Jun.

We start to follow Jun, and we walk into a large blue room. Before we enter, I can smell a hot meal of eggs. There is a large dining room in the middle of the room, and I spot Vaeri and Kioko sitting at the far end of the table. The table seems to be able to fit twenty, maybe more.

I walk over to sit next to Vaeri, and Alkita sits next to Kioko. There is already a plate of food made in my seat. I look over to Vaeri, and she’s already eaten about half of her food. All four of us have a plate of eggs and toast, though; I would rather not know what types of eggs I’m eating.

I pick up the fork next to my plate and begin to eat. I use the fork to pick up some of the eggs. They’re made scrambled, with some pepper on them. I put the eggs in my mouth and chew. The second I put the eggs in my mouth, my eyes shoot open with surprise.

“This is really good!” I say after I finish chewing. I immediately start shoveling food into my mouth. Barely taking time to chew, I finish my breakfast in five minutes.

“You really did like that food. I can’t believe how fast you ate those eggs. Though, the toast was exceptional, as well.” Vaeri says to me.

“I haven’t eaten food like that in a while.” I reply back with a smile. “So, do you guys know when the next meeting of the Ebys Senate is?”

“Yes. The next meeting starts in about four hours.” Jun says from behind me. “You should get ready as soon as possible. It will take me about two hours to take you there.”

“Thank you for that. How often are those meetings held and what time do they start?”

“Oh! I know that!” Vaeri says raising her hand with a smile on her face. “They’re held every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday, every single week.”

“Thank you, Vaeri.” I say as I pat her on the head. The smile on her face just gets even bigger. “Well, I guess I have to get ready for work, now. I’ll be back whenever I finish.”

“I must say, you have adapted to all of this very well.” Kioko says. “How are you able to not be freaked out?”

“I don’t know. I guess I just adapt well.” I say with a smirk on my face.

“Hello, master. Is there anything you need from me?” Aio says. I was wondering where she had gone. Aio is dressed in an apron, so she must have made breakfast for us.

“Yes, but first, thank you for breakfast. It was very good.” I say with a smile.

“Thank you!” She says with a smile.

“What I need you to do is designate a personal maid and butler to my daughters. That would be very helpful.” I say.

“Of course, that won’t be very hard.” She says with a smile.

“Also, I would like to take a bath before the meeting with the council starts, so can you get one of the other maids start the bath?” I ask.

“Certainly.” She replies.

I walk upstairs to wait for the bath to be started. I would rather take a shower, but from what I’ve seen of this world, this race hasn’t developed much of indoor plumbing. I had to use the bathroom last night, and the toilet was just a twenty-foot hole in the ground with a rag as toilet paper. That wasn’t the most pleasant thing in the world to use.

I decide to go out on the balcony over the front doors on the second floor. It took me a few minutes to get to it, but I finally found it. I walked out on the balcony and took a look at the brilliant blue sky. There are clouds floating by, and the refreshing breeze is going through the area. In the east, the sun is slowly rising.

This world isn’t that much different from Earth. It has jungles, forests, deserts etc. There are only two landmasses that are known to exist right now. The main continent and the island that The Pol and the gods live on. The rest of the world is ocean apparently, though the main continent takes up about fifty percent of the world and the island takes up maybe ten percent.

I look back down towards the town, and notice a large jungle to the east, and a forest to the west. Apparently, the Kingdom of Larekor is only forests and jungles that have many beasts and creatures living in them. The Ebys race eventually developed the ability to communicate with these creatures.

The evolved species are looked down upon because they abandoned their superior abilities to get closer to the Ebys and Elves and understand their emotions. I don’t really understand why that is such a bad thing, but some of the creatures of the forests and jungles forget this every now and then, and decide to evolve to become more like us.

While deep in thought, I hear someone open the door behind me.

“Master, your bath is ready.” One of the maids says.

She is quite young, maybe only a few years older than me, and very pretty.

“Thank you. Can you please take me there? This house is so huge, I get lost in it quite often.” I say to her.

“Of course.” The maid says.

I follow her towards the bathing area, and notice that this house has many, many rooms. We pass at least twenty different rooms before we get to the bathing area.

“Here it is.” The young maid says with almost no emotion.

“Thank you.” I say with gratitude in my voice.

I enter the bathing area and strip down, leaving my clothes on a bench near the door. I look around and see that the area is very large, almost like an indoor hot spring. Walls that go up about twenty feet surround the area, and the roof is glass.

I enter the bath slowly, because the water is hot. I take my time to get used to the water until eventually I am able to sit down with the water up to my neck. I stare up at the ceiling to look at the clouds.

I wonder what the Ebys council is going to be like. There are probably going to be many people that I don’t like. I especially can’t let them find out that I’m not actually an Ebys. I don’t think that that would end well for me.

I wonder if they even know that I took that guys job. I don’t even know the guys name! I’m not sure if I want to know someone like that’s name. I hope that the council meeting goes well. I really don’t want to have to become a politician.

I get lost in thought for a while, and then decide that I have been in the bath long enough. Feeling refreshed as I get out of the bath, I dry myself off with a towel that had been left on the bench. I put my school uniform back on, along with the headphones that dangle around my neck.

After putting my shoes on, I walk out of the bathing area. I still have an hour to kill, so why not go play with Vaeri and Alkita. I ask the maids and butlers if they have seen them, and they tell me that they are playing behind the house, accompanied by Kioko, who’s just watching them right now.

I walk over to Kioko silently and wait to scare her. Vaeri and Alkita see me, but I signal to them to stay quiet about it. I stay silent for a small amount of time more until I decide it’s about time to scare Kioko. I lean in next to Kioko’s ear.

“Boo.” I say into Kioko’s ear.

“Ahh!” Kioko yells as she jumps and almost slaps me in the face. Her face shows that she was scared of it, so I completed what I set out to do. Vaeri, Alkita, and I all fall to the ground laughing. Suddenly, I feel a strong murderous intent coming from in front of me. It must be Kioko out of rage of being startled.

“I’m sorry.” I say trying to make amends quickly. “It’s just that I’m going to have to leave very soon, so I thought that it would be fun to come and play with you guys, but whenever you didn’t notice me, Kioko, I just felt that I had to scare you. Please forgive me.”

I wait in silence for a moment as Kioko takes time to calm down and suppress her murderous aura before saying anything.

“Fine, I forgive you. Do anything like this again though, and we’re going to be playing a game.” She says, her face red from embarrassment.

“Fair enough.” I say, promising not to do it again, though I’m not sure if I should keep that promise. On the other hand, Kioko can get really scary when mad. “So, what game are you guys playing?” I ask the girls who are still on the ground laughing. Whenever they hear my voice, they calm themselves down to answer me.

“We’re playing tag. Would you like to join?” Vaeri says with a giant grin on her face. She looks really cute with that smile, so how could I ever say no?

“Sure!” I say as I jump into playing the game.

We run around and play for a little while, but after about ten minutes we stop because Alkita used her owl form. We got into a little spat after that, but I was able to settle it quickly. We stopped playing after that, but we continued to talk in the field behind the mansion.

“So, dad, what was your hometown like?” Alkita asks, her curiosity running wild.

“My home town was pretty bland. There wasn’t much to see or do. There was an aquarium, a place to see creatures that live in the oceans, and a zoo, which is a place that you go to see animals that live in forests, deserts, jungles, etc.” I say to the girls. I look out towards the sky and say, “In my world, we don’t have a way to communicate with animals, and most people never get to see those types of creatures, so we capture some and put them in cages to put them on display.”

I look at the girls and they are all showing a look of horror in their eyes. Kioko especially has a look of horror.

“Do they not get to choose whether or not they want to be in the zoo?” Kioko asks, hoping for the answer that I know she won’t get.

“No, they don’t have a choice. Unlike this place, we can’t communicate with them, so we don’t know how they feel or even care how they feel. Some people do care, but most don’t.” I say without changing the look on my face. “In my world, we view animals as beneath us, but things that can provide us food and keep the world alive.”

I look to them once again, and their faces are even more horrified. I guess they are just now realizing that my world really is different than theirs.

“Our worlds have very different values, don’t they? It might actually be really hard for you to be a part of the Ebys Council without giving away the fact that you aren’t from this world.” Kioko says worriedly.

“Nah, politicians are the same no matter where you go. They’re all hard to deal with and a pain in the rear. They also can barely get anything done.” I say with a smile on my face. “But I’m different. I can get things done because I’m not a politician. I am a man that works in politics.” Man I hope that sounded really cool!

“Isn’t that just a politician?” Vaeri asks with her head turned at an angle. That actually looks really cute.

“No. Politicians can’t get anything done. People that work in politics can. But yeah, they are very similar.” I say with a smile.

“I’m pretty sure you just made that up.” Alkita says, holding back laughter.

“Okay, you’ve seen through your father’s ruse. I made it up to try to sound cool.” I say, slumping my shoulders and neck.

“Young master,” Jun says from behind. “It is time for us to depart for the meeting.”

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