Conquering the World for Justice Chapter Nine

“You’re getting married?!” Kioko says with a surprised expression.

“Apparently. I meet her in three weeks, and we get married in four. This is really quite troublesome though. I didn’t expect to be getting married so soon after joining the council.” I say with a depressed expression. “I was hoping to have a little freedom with love for a few years.”

“We’re getting a mom?” Alkita says with a confused expression.

“That’s right. You’re going to have a new mom who’s about the same age as me. I really hope that all of us are going to get along well.” I say with a fake smile on my face. I pat Alkita and Vaeri on the head. In truth, I have no idea what to expect from the princess. She could be very stuck up and obnoxious, or she could be very kind.

Though, those things don’t really matter right now. I’ve still got about three weeks before I meet her, so I should go out and buy some clothes, along with other things so that I look nice whenever I meet her. She is the first princess of her country after all.

I should actually just wear the clothes I’m wearing now. They aren’t from this world, though they are just my school uniform, it might actually look good because they haven’t seen something like them before. Well, whatever happens isn’t up to me.

I have to put up with it for the rest of my life. The treaty states that as long as the two of us are alive and wed, then the Eleild Kingdom and the Kingdom of Larekor will have a peace treaty and not hurt each other. They also will not force people into slavery from the opposite country, meaning that both countries citizens don’t have to worry about becoming slaves from the other.

I didn’t even know that was possible in this world, but there is still lots of things I don’t know about this world. I have only been here for two weeks after all.

This treaty will help put many people to rest, so I should do my very best to make sure that it lasts a long time. I need to make sure that I live a long, long life. I stop patting Alkita and Vaeri on the head, look back towards Aio, who had been standing there the whole time.

“May you please get the bath ready? I need to relax for a little while after the shock of this news I just received.” I say with a smile on my face.

“Yes, of course. I hope the new young miss will be kind to us like the young master has.” She says with a slightly worried look on her face.

“I hope so to. If not, I just have to make sure that she treats you guys well through a game.” I say with a smile on my face. “There isn’t anything to worry about! I’m the guy that cheated Eriko remember! She’ll treat you guys well, I promise you that.”

“Thank you. I shall ready the bath now.” Aio says with a smile on her face.

As if the fact that I was able to cheat that guy matters, he was just a dimwitted idiot who was too lazy to check the coin himself to see if it wasn’t a double-headed coin.

I start to walk towards my room quietly, so not to disturb the maids and butlers, but that doesn’t really work. The place is so big, that I can’t really remember where my room is yet, so I have to ask one of the butlers to show me to my room. I was wandering around for maybe twenty minutes before I decided to ask.

By the time I actually got to my room, the bath was already prepared. Aio walked me to the bath quietly. I guess she could see that I didn’t really want to talk to anyone by the way my eyes were just worriedly looking down at the ground. I glance up towards her, and she seems kind of saddened seeing my expression.

I guess she really does care about how I am feeling. It makes me better, even though it is kind of her job to care. Not only is it her job, but it also affects how she does her job, so it only makes sense. Still, it feels nice to have people care about you.

She opens the door to the bath and I walk into the room. I hear the door close as she walks out. I undress, getting ready for my bath, when Kioko suddenly rushes into the room.

“What the heck are you doing?!” I yell, barely managing to use a towel to cover up everything important. Kioko quickly covers her eyes before speaking.

“Sorry for the interruption,” She says, her face turning beet red going all the way up to her ears. “We have an extremely important guest right now. Put your clothes right now and have Aio take you to the reception room.”

I put a troubled look on my face while trying to hide my anger of not being able to relax by taking a bath. The first thing that I need to do after this is install locks on the bathroom doors and the doors to all of the bedrooms. I don’t know why I didn’t think of that earlier, but it doesn’t really matter.

I hurriedly put my clothes back on and walk out the door. I walk around for a few minutes, but Aio was nearby, so I wasn’t walking around for long. Aio directs me down the long hallway and stairwells to the reception room. She opens the doors for me and I give my thanks. I enter the reception room and am greeted by a giant room.

It’s actually my first time in the reception room since I’ve bought the house, so I didn’t know what it looked like up until this point. At this point, I’m not really surprised by the size of things. It is a giant room, bigger than the size of Honcho’s reception room.

It actually looks almost exactly like Honcho’s reception room, except that it has more furniture and the walls are painted a different color. Did the previous owner of this house just copy Honcho’s house, but tried to show him up and made it larger. Was it some type of competition? Sitting on a sofa is a young elf girl around the same age as me…

OH MY GOD! What is she doing here? She isn’t supposed to be here yet! She came here three weeks early! I haven’t prepared anything yet! I quickly hide the surprise on my face and the blank stare on my face. The young elf girl begins to stand up and faces me.

“I am Sylmae Eleild, the creeping chaos always smiling beside you! Also known as the first princess of the Eleild Kingdom.” She says to me with a silky smooth voice.

‘She is very beautiful,’ Is the first thing that popped into my mind. Her bright red hair burns like fire. Her beautiful grey eyes stare into my mine with a somewhat distant, yet close stare. She has a very slim body build, but isn’t lacking in anything. This fact is only intensified with the fact that she is wearing a beautiful blue dress. I instantly realize that my face is heating up, but I ignore it.

“I am Jabari Camacho, the youngest member of the Ebys Council.” I say to Sylmae, hiding the fact that I feel very lucky, yet very inadequate at the same time.

“I see, so you are my fiancé. I am sorry for my sudden interruption, I hope that I didn’t interrupt what you were doing.” She says with a smile on her face.

“Oh it’s no problem.” I say. I mean, it’s not like I was about to take a bath or anything. My expression begins grow worried. “So… why are you here? We were supposed to meet in three weeks. Our marriage still isn’t for another four weeks. There isn’t really a reason for you to be here, is there?”

“I have come here to cancel the marriage.” She says with a serious expression on her face. Why did it have to be that? Anything but that would’ve been fine.

“I’m sorry, but I can’t consent to the cancelation of this marriage. This agreement is too beneficial to out peoples. They will no longer have to fear being forced into slavery.” I say with a serious look on my face.

For several moments, the room is filled with silence. Tension fills the air and is so thick that you could cut it with a knife. A smile appears on Sylmae’s face.

“Very good answer. You have passed the test. If you hadn’t have passed, then I wouldn’t agree to marry you. My husband needs to be the type of person who puts other people’s wellbeing before his own.” Sylmae says with a joyous expression.

I see. So that was a test. That does make me feel better. I show a relieved look on my face.

“That puts me at ease. I thought you were serious about that. I also have noticed that any guards do not accompany you.” I say with a somewhat worried look on my face. “Is it because you simply don’t need them, or is it because you snuck out of the Royal Palace?”

“I used simple teleportation magic to come here.” She says with a smile on her face. “The reason I decided to test you is because the man whom I was engaged to before you was not necessarily the type of man fit for government work. All he cared about was making a profit from the citizens.”

He sounds like a very greedy and despicable person. Almost like someone from the medieval times.

“I see,” Is the only response that I am capable of giving. I can almost instantly figure out what happened. She explains it anyways.

The man that she was previously engaged to was a very greedy man, only thinking about profits, so she didn’t want to get married to him. He was several years older than her, almost twenty at the time.

On the other hand, he wanted to marry her, who was only around fourteen at the time. I can’t blame him though. Who wouldn’t want to marry the first princess of a country? Not to mention how beautiful she is.

She ended up challenging him to a game, where it was bet that if she won, then he would quit the council and get rid of their engagement. They played the game, and she won. He quit the council and abolished their engagement.

Since there wasn’t anyone else eligible for the engagement at the time, she hasn’t had a fiancé for a year and a half.

“And that is when I was informed that there is a new unmarried young man in the council, so I had to meet him.” Sylmae says with a smile on her face.

“I understand that much. I was somewhat worried about meeting you, seeing how you’re a princess of a country and all. I now realize that you are actually quite the likable person, and very kind.” I say with a joyous attitude.

We continued talking for quite some time after that. We got along quite well, which is a good thing seeing as we’re to be wed in four weeks. It would almost seem as if we were dating. Although, I guess we are dating, seeing as we’re fiancés.

“So, how are you feeling about the wedding? It’s in four weeks, right?” I ask with a happy tone in my voice. My heart is throbbing like crazy, seeing as there is a beautiful young woman sitting next to me, but I ignore it. It will only get in the way and make me nervous right now.

“Oh, that’s right, I needed to tell you something! Seeing as my birthday was just a few weeks ago, I decided that if I liked you whenever I met you, that we would get married next week!” She says with a happy expression on her face.

“Oh, I see. You decided to get married next… WHAT!” I exclaim with a yell. Why did she decide this on her own? Though I don’t particularly dislike her, and I actually feel that we get along very well, wait, that’s not the point.

“I don’t really want to wait to get married. I have been training for it since I was six, after the treaty was signed. I have met several fiancés that were all eventually annulled by myself.” She says with a saddened expression.

Please don’t make that expression; it makes me feel sorry. Though, I can understand wanting to get married sooner rather than later in our case. She has met the first fiancé that she actually likes and has respect for, and there is no telling if I will be taken out of the council before the four weeks are up.

“I understand.” I say with a serious expression. “We’ll get married within this next week. First though, we should plan a meeting to tell everyone, maybe a dinner.”

The talks between Sylmae and me continue for some time. Eventually, we settle on having a celebratory dinner in three days, then getting married two days after that. The people attending will be the entirety of the Ebys Council, the Royal Family of Eleild, and a few nobles of Eleild.

I had considered offering her to stay the night, but decided against it since the maids back at the royal palace are probably freaking out. She’s been gone for several hours, and she didn’t tell anyone where she was going or that she was going to leave.

“Well, I don’t really want to go back to the Royal Castle tonight, so why don’t I just stay here?” Sylmae says with a smile on her face.

Really? I just decided not to ask if you wanted to do that. Well whatever, it’s not like it can hurt anyone, besides I still need to introduce her to some people.

“Well, as long as you’re staying here for the night, I might as well introduce you to my daughters.” I say with a smile on my face. I really hope they get along.

“You have daughters?” Sylmae says with a worried expression. “Could it be that you are a lecherous man?” Why did it turn out like that? Although, I should’ve seen it coming since I said that I have two daughters and didn’t give any explanation.

I explained to her the events of Alkita and how she tried to rob me, and the fact that she is an evolved owl. I also explained the events of going to the slave traders shop, and how I bought, then later freed, Vaeri.

“Vaeri, that name sounds very familiar, where have I heard it?” She says, dumbfounded as to why she can’t remember where she heard Vaeri’s name.

“She was the youngest princess of the country that was destroyed by Eleild. Everyone in her family was killed in front of her, and then she was sold into slavery, where no one bought her for five years, due to her extremely young age. Eventually I showed up, and everything is as I explained to you.” I say, with a somber look wide across my face.

“I-I see. It might be very hard for us to get along then, won’t it?” She says with a worried expression. It looks as if she truly cares for Vaeri, doesn’t she? Well, that’s good; it’s obvious that she’s a very kind and nice person who cares deeply for others.

This type of person, I might just be able to fall in love with. Besides, she looks very cute and beautiful, even with that worried expression.

“I’m worried about that as well. How old were you whenever that happened?” I ask, wanting to know more about the incident.

“I was around ten years old at the time. I was at the age where I could only sort of begin to understand the basics of politics, and why I had to get married to someone I don’t even know.” She says with a serious and somber expression on her face.

She was only ten years old at that time, so she was only five years older than Vaeri, huh.

She continued to explain what happened to her during that time. She actually didn’t know that they had conquered all of the Elven lands until everyone but Vaeri of the Royal Family of the other Kingdom had been executed.

She felt very sorry for the Royal Family, and didn’t understand why they had to be killed, but she was told that it was necessary, so she stood back and didn’t think much more of it.

After hearing all that, I don’t think that there’s much of a way that Vaeri won’t like her if she says it like that. Let’s just hope that Vaeri is a very forgiving and understanding person of others circumstances.


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